Captain Jack's Armbar Emporium Nostalgia

CJAE 119: The Dawn of SNL! (Season 4)

Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) and Lemi Atom (@lemiatom) have reached the vaunted 4th season of Saturday Night Live, and everything’s changing. Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi have just returned from filming Animal House and 1941, along with recording a Blues Brothers live album. Everyone on the cast is taking outside gigs, starting production companies, and on their own roads to super-stardom. [Read More]


CJAE 118: The Dawn of SNL! (Season 3)

The Golden Age of the Golden Age begins here! Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) and Lemi (@lemiatom) are back and talking more SNL, specifically the wonders of Season 3. Roseanne Rosannadanna, the Festrunk Brothers, King Tut, The Blues Brothers and the Nerds all make their respective debuts this season! Bill Murray has a fistfight with a returning Chevy Chase backstage! Amazing musical [Read More]