Commentary Nostalgia

Old School is New School in WWE, Part 2 of 2

Click here in case you missed Part 1 of 2. I’m back this week with a look at the Shield. Trying to find comparisons for these guys wasn’t easy and I had to do a little more thinking about them than some of the guys mentioned last week. So, how do the Hounds of Justice fare against their historical counterparts? [Read More]

Commentary Nostalgia

Old School is New School in WWE, Part 1 of 2

Everything old is new again! They say that there’s no such thing as an original idea in wrestling. That was my first thought when I saw the Bray Wyatt vignette last week on Monday Night Raw. Wyatt, clad in a Hawaiian shirt with a Southern accent, brought back memories of a character that never really got the chance that it [Read More]

Commentary WrestleMania XXIX

The Road to RematchMania

Brock vs HHH! Cena vs Rock! Zack Ryder vs Catering! Been there, done that. Bemoaning the fact that the highest profile matches at Wrestlemania are, essentially, repeats has been a favorite pastime of the IWC over the last few weeks and I, certainly, have echoed this sentiment on our very own podcast. During Monday night’s show, however, I had a [Read More]