
Unfunny Nerd Tangent 119: Invincible

  Another cartoon? Yep, but this one isn’t what you think. Cue the splatter, it’s time to talk Invincible. What do you get when you cross The Walking Dead with Booster Gold, thrown together with some graphic violence that would make Rorschach blush, garnished by a mustachioed man who used to run a newspaper, talk to bats and is obsessed [Read More]


CJAE 118: The Dawn of SNL! (Season 3)

The Golden Age of the Golden Age begins here! Captain Jack (@JackHeartless) and Lemi (@lemiatom) are back and talking more SNL, specifically the wonders of Season 3. Roseanne Rosannadanna, the Festrunk Brothers, King Tut, The Blues Brothers and the Nerds all make their respective debuts this season! Bill Murray has a fistfight with a returning Chevy Chase backstage! Amazing musical [Read More]


Unfunny Nerd Tangent 116: Godzilla vs Kong

We pull out all the stops as we react to the climax of the cinematic MonsterVerse: Godzilla Vs Kong! In the mighty tradition of Alien Vs Predator, Freddy Vs Jason and of course… Batman V Superman, comes the tip-touching titans that will not stop, no matter how much splash-back is involved. If that last sentence doesn’t make any sense to [Read More]