Welcome to AT3 on The Steel Cage, where our Down Under contingent fights off the Drop Bears to discuss their Top 3 of a variety of wrestling topics.

There’s no doubt that ever since NXT became the breeding ground for future WWE talent, a host of amazing performers have received that illustrious call-up to the main rosters of either Raw or Smackdown.

But unfortunately, for many, that’s where their story ends. Over and over again, we’ve seen excellent up-and-coming wrestlers who thrived in NXT turned into shells of their former selves (and often released) after floundering on the main rosters due to a number of poor booking decisions.

But which ones did we feel were treated especially egregiously? Which ones did Vince really drop the brass rings on?

Find out in this new, all-new episode of AT3.

We’ll see you Down Under.

Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13).

Featuring: ‘Little Sherbie’ Stacey Herbert (@littlesherbie) & ‘Stinga’ Steve Wray (@stinga57).

Music courtesy of Purple Planet.

Aussie Top 3 Logo by: Ben Grimshaw (@grim_dinoshaw).

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Greig Tansley

From Down Under, a huge comic book, movie & television nerd, I bring you the Unfunny Nerd Tangent series here on the Steel Cage Network.
Remember, there's no 'I' in team, but there is in Greig.