With Captain Marvel now in theaters, the UNT team takes a closer look at the 21st film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a podcast that is all Captain, all the time.

Special guest, Kacey Spivey (What’s Trending, The Blonde Jokes) joins us to discuss the movie, including Brie Larson and the recent ratings-bomb scandal, the #metoo movement, Marvel perfecting the de-aging effect and yes, that Stan Lee tribute.

No, you’re crying.

With MCU Easter Eggs galore, hold onto your butts, bust out your best Australian-Skrull accent and wait for your Windows 95 audio files to load… almost… almost… and check out UNT 72: Captain Marvel.

Note: No flerkens were harmed in the making of this podcast. 

Hosted by: ‘Captain Boomerang’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13).

Featuring: ‘SuperJew’ Captain Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75), ‘New Science Guy’ Captain Tim Agne (@timagne).

Special Guest: Captain Kacey Spivey (@hey_kace) from What’s Trending / The Blonde Jokes.

Music by: Hole & The Marvelettes.

She also has nothing to prove to you. But you’d feel a lot better if Mon Milfma was by your side! Grab an Unfunny Nerd Tangent shirt and put the her into hero!

Unfunny Nerd Tangent Mon Milfma shirt

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Greig Tansley

From Down Under, a huge comic book, movie & television nerd, I bring you the Unfunny Nerd Tangent series here on the Steel Cage Network.
Remember, there's no 'I' in team, but there is in Greig.