It’s no surprise that we here at The Steel Cage love entrance themes. From The Rock to Rollins, from The Real Americans to Rob Van Dam… there are plenty of catchy pieces of music in the annuals of wrestling history.


The beauty of most entrance songs is their simplicity so a lot of this video came to be purely from myself playing around and accidentally learning various wrestling riffs over the years.  I figured, ‘why not throw a bunch of these together and see what happens’?

For the musically inclined; this track is all in Drop C tuning, was recorded with an Epiphone Gibson Les Paul and an Ibanez bass and drums were tracked with Cubase.

Let us know what you think and feel free to suggest songs for future videos since this fun enough that I expect I’ll have more coming shortly.

Psyniac White

Psyniac is a 27 year old consumer of media with experience in podcasting, radio presentation, video editing and marking out for Dolph Ziggler.