You know it’s the Mack militant, coming to get it on! Yeah, you know what that means, playa! Teddy Long is back, presumably to fill the void left by Shane McMahon’s absence this week. It was kinda funny, right?
This week’s show focused primarily on building up the feud between participants in the Money in the Bank match, as well as the tag team championship match coming up at MITB in Las Vegas. But it also did some good work to progress the AJ / Cena feud. It’s legitimately feeling like NJPW’s AJ Styles vs the version of John Cena we great to hate over the years. Not sure I like having to go back to those old Cena feelings, but this is working for the feud at least…
That said, tune in for the UFC talk, and stay for the NXT talk!
Hosted by: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag)
Featuring: ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop), ‘The Mayor of Reseda’ Derek (@cap_kaveman), ‘Super Jew’ Jared (@SuperJew75), and Bryan ‘Pipe Bomb’ Gregston (@guitarsalad)
Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.
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