So yeah, Sting has finally made his ‘in action’ debut on Monday Night Raw. Sort of. Good enough to appease the masses, at least. He looks good, I’ll say that much.
Beyond that Seth Rollins continued to tell his story and tell it well. Kudos to Randy Orton for Best Supporting Role.
AJ Lee and Nikki Bella tore it up. Larry Zbysko was announced for the Hall of Fame. Just another Raw, it seems… WrestleMania is so close, though!
Hosted By: ‘The Beast from the Middle East’ Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop)
Featuring: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag), Derek (@cap_kaveman), and Sprung (@jasprung)
Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.
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