The Quarantine Saga continues as The American Kaiju Devin Sparks and El Numero Uno Mike Camden setup shop in their respective residences to talk wrestling, personal experiences, and whatever else is going on.

This week: the Hogs are riding high after their victory over Slice Boogie in the quarter finals of Promo Mania…but Devin still needs votes to take down Dark Sheik in his solo matchup ending Tuesday at 5pm pacific time. Plus: we look back at two sad passings this week in the wrestling world (Shad Gaspard and Hana Kimuri)…Mike and Devin discuss storyline missed opportunities, their Memorial Day weekends, and the death of kayfabe.

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Derek Montilla

Derek Montilla is the host of Minutes With The Mayor podcast and co-host of The Steel Cage podcast. He's also the Mayor of Reseda, CA. Which isn't a real city, but you can have mail sent there. When he's not raising his daughter to be the biggest New Day mark on the planet or acting as the highest ranking fictitious official in a municipal LA neighborhood government, he is covering the Arizona Diamondbacks and other local Arizona sports teams for 98.7 FM & You can follow Derek on Twitter at or email him at

Until next time, this meeting is adjourned.