Captain Jack Heartless (@JackHeartless) & Sleeve Assassin (@SleeveAssassin) waste no time this week, and jump right back into the best tournament in pro wrestling, the G1 Climax!
Much like last week, they watch every tournament match from nights 7 through 12 in both blocks so you don’t have to, and each gives a Top 5. Some of the choices may surprise you!
Tangents include why Okada may be having the Best Year Ever, how Nakamura and AJ leaving made the G1 grow, who will upset Kenny down the stretch, Ibushi’s apparent death wish, and our impending trip to meet Stan “The Lariat” Hansen! Holy crap!!
Sponsored by Heels & Faces (@heelsandfaces).
Opening music by Lemi & The Captain. Closing music by Ayumi Nakamura (@ayumi_nakamura).
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