For the first time in weeks, there was no real lead-in for Raw. We had no idea what to expect, and what we got was all sorts of ridiculous and fantastic. Anger Management went to a whole new level when Daniel Bryan and Kane had to hug it out, while AJ snapped and showed her crazy chick side once again. Meanwhile, CM Punk took a day off, until he made an appearance to take his Night of Champions opponent John Cena down a notch, with the surprise help of Paul Heyman!
Hosted by: Joshua Schlag (@thesteelcage / @schlizzag)
Featuring: Adam ‘A-Bomb’ Hess (@ahess49) Darrell Johnson (@zazzumplop / @nostraslammus), and Jon Sprung (@jasprung)
Mascot: Bert ‘The Rock’ Schlag (@BertSchlag)
Music by The Black Furies, courtesy of Music Alley.
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